We have hunted this same place in Alabama for three years. My band of brothers has been encouraging and helpful in finding my way around the farm. I have driven four wheelers, cooked bacon and eggs, and helped put a roof on a hay shed. We have many hunts under our belt together and are familiar with our surroundings. It is always a must to keep the safety of yourself and others a first priority. I have my own firearm and am comfortable with using it. Now I am familiar enough with the farm that I can get from field to field on my own. I have this map in my mind of where things and places are like an internal compass if you will. This story should include some humor. Remember we are all about hunting, eating, and sleeping, but there is some fun mixed in too. Like me being able to scare my friends in the dark because I don’t need a flashlight. Like my “friends” putting things on or in some cases taking things off my plate at dinnertime. Like somebody lying on my bed very quietly until I sit down to take my boots off and grabbing me. You have to be on guard with these guys.