Dec 5, 2009
Nov 25, 2009
Blind Ambition Part III

We have hunted this same place in Alabama for three years. My band of brothers has been encouraging and helpful in finding my way around the farm. I have driven four wheelers, cooked bacon and eggs, and helped put a roof on a hay shed. We have many hunts under our belt together and are familiar with our surroundings. It is always a must to keep the safety of yourself and others a first priority. I have my own firearm and am comfortable with using it. Now I am familiar enough with the farm that I can get from field to field on my own. I have this map in my mind of where things and places are like an internal compass if you will. This story should include some humor. Remember we are all about hunting, eating, and sleeping, but there is some fun mixed in too. Like me being able to scare my friends in the dark because I don’t need a flashlight. Like my “friends” putting things on or in some cases taking things off my plate at dinnertime. Like somebody lying on my bed very quietly until I sit down to take my boots off and grabbing me. You have to be on guard with these guys.
Steve Morgan
Nov 5, 2009
Out-takes: Jeremiah 16:16

*Be sure to check out the surrounding verses for context.
Oct 30, 2009
First Turkey: Man What a Morning

Derrick Moody
Oct 5, 2009
Out-take: Psalm 19:1-4
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth,their words to the ends of the world. Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV)
*Be sure to check out the rest of the chapter for context.
Sep 3, 2009
Blind Ambition Part II

We returned to Alabama to the hunting cabin belonging to friends. After having to cancel our normal mid November trip I was excited to get to hunt again before the end of season. It was very stormy and warm on travel day. The next morning it had turned cold. For the next two days no one saw movement at all. We were to travel back home on Sunday after church services with our friends. So we knew Saturday evening hunting was our last chance this year. We used a ground blind, no pun intended, to hunt from. We were in a perfect setting with clear shooting lanes to the left and right and an open field directly in front of us. Over the last year Rusty, Emory, Paul, and John had successfully put an elaborate battery, monitor, and DVD system together to allow Rusty to see on screen what I normally would see through the scope. It is cumbersome for Rusty but it works.

Just a few minutes before dark we decided to lift the gun and put the young deer in our sights to make ourselves feel better. At least we had seen a deer up close. Just then deer began pouring into the field from every direction. The buck had been our decoy. All of the sudden we had a choice. There was a bullhorn buck in the pack and the rest good-sized does. By this time it was too dark to use the DVD gizmo. Also we couldn’t use my gun because the laser is illegal in Alabama. With options disappearing fast Rusty said let’s try his gun. His rifle was a .243 with a scope like most “normal” hunters would use. We had briefly discussed this option earlier but I had never even held this gun. I raised the rifle and tilted the scope over to the right. Rusty with his left eye helped me get the buck in the crosshairs, which had now become an “X” because of the angle. A little left he said. A little more and when I say pull you go. By this time I couldn’t feel anything except my heart in my throat. He said pull and I did. In the excitement he ordered me to reload and handed

RGO Rusty Asble,
Steve Morgan
Aug 1, 2009
Blind Ambition Pt.I

Back in April of this year, I was heading back to my home in Tennessee from northern Alabama. As I was traveling along I noticed a “shooting house” off in a beautiful green field. Like any outdoorsmen, I began to daydream about sitting in that stand watching a beautiful, thick-necked buck walk from under a nearby persimmon tree.

So I drove on, happy with myself, until I came to another, large food plot with a deer-stand tucked way back in the corner. Then the impression really hit me, “Don’t just take Steve to the deer-stand, but do all you can, to help Steve use his abilities to shoot and harvest a whitetail deer.” Just like you – my first thought was, “Lord, he’s blind. How is that possible?” His response was, “You figure that part out…”

I let a couple months pass before I talked with Steve. Then one afternoon, at a Church function, we crossed paths. Being unsure how to ask I fumbled with the wording, finally blurting out, “Steve, do you like to hunt?” His look of surprise startled me but I proceeded to tell him what was on my mind. He called for his wife Cheri and asked me to share again. Her mouth dropped open leaving me a little unnerved. Steve explained that on the previous evening they were talking about how, because of his blindness, he was going to miss having outdoor experiences. It was the confirmation I was looking for. I knew, somehow, we were going to make this thing work.

Once the gun and ammunition were acquired, I knew a lot of practice was in order. I contacted Steve and shared that everything was complete and had a Church member assist us by accompanying us to Cleveland Pistol and Rifle Range.

How did we do it? I sat behind Steve, he lit the target with the laser and vocally directed him to the bulls eye and pull. The shot would ring out.
On November 16 we headed to Alabama for an introductory opportunity of harvesting a deer. In dealing with Alabama State Wildlife laws they do not allow lasers for hunting. So we had to improvise as nanny-cam/scope situation. Although we shot twice we were unsuccessful in our quest for the harvest. However, much was

Our season is not over with and we have just begun. Keep us in your prayers as we make this a possible realization.
“We live by faith and not by sight” – 2 Cor.5:7
RGO Rusty Asble,
Steve Morgan
Jul 21, 2009
Two Promises: An OBX Adventure

On our drive to the beach, that early November morning, my friend and fishing mentor, Dick,made me two promises: One, I would catch a lot of fish and, two, I would catch a big fish. After a couple hours in the truck, most of which was spent fighting Dick’s lab, Ernie, for the front seat, the terrain began to flatten and I could tell we were getting closer to our destination, the Outer Banks. My adrenaline began to flow as my excitement grew. Little did I know how soon the fun would begin.
Crossing the Hebert C Bonner Bridge, our discussion turned to acquiring bait and I quickly spotted a large crowd of people. As it turns out they were fishing along a rock jetty and each person was catching fish on nearly every cast. We were good on time so we decided to check out the fun. After rigging a couple rods, Dick and I began casting our lines. An immediate hookup proved this to be a prudent stop and after an hour or so we had caught enough bait for the week. In fact, I caught fish until my arms were about to fall off. We caught a lot of fish, and Dick kept promise number one.
The next day we got up around 5am and headed out to Cape Point. Since most of my angling experience involved bass fishing it took some time to get used to the ten foot heavers used on the Point. The fishing proved to be slow, or maybe it was me whipping the water into a froth throwing the required 4 oz. sinkers and bait into the surf. Finally, at about ten, while I was watching some buddies fool around on the beach, IT happened. I felt a bump, set the hook and line started streaming off my reel. It took a couple minutes to slow him down and reel in the line that I’d lost. When he was five yards from the surf I reeled in as much line as possible and began backing up the beach, bringing the largest fish of my life ashore. The red drum measured twenty-seven and one-half inches. After several photos, we tagged and released him into the Atlantic. I still smile as I think about that day. I caught a large fish and Dick kept promise number two.
Jul 5, 2009
Out-takes: Psalm 8:3-9

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers - the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them,human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made putting all things under their authority—the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the fish in the sea,and everything that swims the ocean currents, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth." Psalm 8:3-9
*Be sure to check out the surrounding verses for context.
Jun 19, 2009

You never really think about words that would devastate you. Spoken words that would rock your world and leave you numb. You think maybe something bad will happen when you get older, much older. Never do you think that at 23 years of age, in the prime of hope, life and love would you be told you have cancer. This is not just any cancer, but angiosarcoma. A cancer of the blood vessels that only has affected 10 or less people in the United States last year.
This is what happened to my friend, colleague and fellow sportsmen Michael Schwarz. Michael worked and ministered with me at Central Baptist Church in Sanford, Florida. We found a mutual friendship in sharing and loving Christ, playing softball and enjoying God’s Great Outdoors together.
Michael and I began to hunt during our time off. He assisted me in doing many Sportsmen For Christ hunting retreats as a guide. During our down time from both ministries and families we were in the woods of Volusia County, Florida. There we pursued Cypress swamp wild hogs, pineywood whitetails, dodged hidden rattlesnakes in palmettos and watched the wiley Osceola turkey meander across the open flatlands. It was a great place to experience the outdoors. This place allowed Michael to harvest his first 200+lb wild hog and trophy Osceola turkey. However, over my three years in Florida, we just could never connect with a Whitetail. It seemed like an impossible task to put both deer and Michael together.
In the winter of 2005, God had plans and moved my family to Tennessee. That next year, our dear friend and landowner, Robert Hirt, passed away from his own personal fight with cancer. It was devastation for both Michael and I in the loss of Robert. We both let go of hunting for that year. With the move and the loss of Robert, it just did not seem right.
Michael and I kept in contact and when I found out that he had an illness concern we were not too alarmed. He’s strong, young and of good health. Then the news came. CANCER! A rare and deadly cancer. It quickly took its toll on him. Repeat treatments, change in treatments, loss of weight, low iron,high potassium, multiple hospital stays, loss of hair and financial burden. Life quickly changed and dreams were dampened.
In between one break in treatments Michael came to Tennessee to visit his family. His parents were now working with me in ministry. They thought it would be a great break to come and just get away. I sat in their living room with him one night, just the two of us. We chatted about meaningless stuff until he asked me one question, “Do you think we can get me a deer….before….?” I immediately said, “Yes” not wanting him to finish the sentence. The feelings of loss over came me. My friend was talking about death. I had to my part to see his dream fulfilled. “Yes, we can get you a deer and this season we will try”.
Michael headed home and finished this series of treatments. Michael was running a life-race. The cancer was taking a toll on his body. My friend had lost over 50 lbs. He was pale, weak and tired. I remembered…that I promised to do my part. So plans were made. Our dates were set for the last two days of muzzle loading season and the beginning of gun season in Alabama. There, we would be in a stand hunting with a dear brother in Christ, Emory Steedly, on his wife and brother’s, L.C. and Kaye Steedly’s, famous ranch. It was a place for hopes and dreams to come true. On the second night of our muzzle-loading hunt, it was still, cool and quiet. Michael was placed in a box blind overlooking a small green field that meandered back into a hardwood swamp. We both knew he had one shot – one chance this night. I left him there and headed up the hill to a small field overlooking the bottom area. I knew if he shot I would definitely hear him from that vantage point. It was about 30 minutes; just good enough to get settled in when the quiet was broken with a “BOOM” from the bottoms. It was Michael. I bolted from my stand back down the hill to the entry road to his location. As I quietly walked towards his stand, there he was standing – waiting for me. He confirmed he had hit it but lost it in the muzzle smoke. As we walked to the spot, we saw great dig marks in the mud and dark blood on the grass. It was an easy trial 30 yards deep into the hardwoods. Just a couple steps further and there she laid…a great doe with a perfect heart shot from 50 yards. Michael and I hugged, cried and celebrated. Finally, his first deer. It was a great feeling for both of us pulling his deer out of the woods.
Michael continues with his personal fight against his cancer. We are there cheering him on and know that God is in control. He hears our prayers, knows our hearts and desires our worship in good and bad times. Please continue to pray for his recovery and God’s will for him. Thank you Lord for hope, determination and opportunity.
This is what happened to my friend, colleague and fellow sportsmen Michael Schwarz. Michael worked and ministered with me at Central Baptist Church in Sanford, Florida. We found a mutual friendship in sharing and loving Christ, playing softball and enjoying God’s Great Outdoors together.
Michael and I began to hunt during our time off. He assisted me in doing many Sportsmen For Christ hunting retreats as a guide. During our down time from both ministries and families we were in the woods of Volusia County, Florida. There we pursued Cypress swamp wild hogs, pineywood whitetails, dodged hidden rattlesnakes in palmettos and watched the wiley Osceola turkey meander across the open flatlands. It was a great place to experience the outdoors. This place allowed Michael to harvest his first 200+lb wild hog and trophy Osceola turkey. However, over my three years in Florida, we just could never connect with a Whitetail. It seemed like an impossible task to put both deer and Michael together.
In the winter of 2005, God had plans and moved my family to Tennessee. That next year, our dear friend and landowner, Robert Hirt, passed away from his own personal fight with cancer. It was devastation for both Michael and I in the loss of Robert. We both let go of hunting for that year. With the move and the loss of Robert, it just did not seem right.
Michael and I kept in contact and when I found out that he had an illness concern we were not too alarmed. He’s strong, young and of good health. Then the news came. CANCER! A rare and deadly cancer. It quickly took its toll on him. Repeat treatments, change in treatments, loss of weight, low iron,high potassium, multiple hospital stays, loss of hair and financial burden. Life quickly changed and dreams were dampened.
In between one break in treatments Michael came to Tennessee to visit his family. His parents were now working with me in ministry. They thought it would be a great break to come and just get away. I sat in their living room with him one night, just the two of us. We chatted about meaningless stuff until he asked me one question, “Do you think we can get me a deer….before….?” I immediately said, “Yes” not wanting him to finish the sentence. The feelings of loss over came me. My friend was talking about death. I had to my part to see his dream fulfilled. “Yes, we can get you a deer and this season we will try”.
Michael headed home and finished this series of treatments. Michael was running a life-race. The cancer was taking a toll on his body. My friend had lost over 50 lbs. He was pale, weak and tired. I remembered…that I promised to do my part. So plans were made. Our dates were set for the last two days of muzzle loading season and the beginning of gun season in Alabama. There, we would be in a stand hunting with a dear brother in Christ, Emory Steedly, on his wife and brother’s, L.C. and Kaye Steedly’s, famous ranch. It was a place for hopes and dreams to come true. On the second night of our muzzle-loading hunt, it was still, cool and quiet. Michael was placed in a box blind overlooking a small green field that meandered back into a hardwood swamp. We both knew he had one shot – one chance this night. I left him there and headed up the hill to a small field overlooking the bottom area. I knew if he shot I would definitely hear him from that vantage point. It was about 30 minutes; just good enough to get settled in when the quiet was broken with a “BOOM” from the bottoms. It was Michael. I bolted from my stand back down the hill to the entry road to his location. As I quietly walked towards his stand, there he was standing – waiting for me. He confirmed he had hit it but lost it in the muzzle smoke. As we walked to the spot, we saw great dig marks in the mud and dark blood on the grass. It was an easy trial 30 yards deep into the hardwoods. Just a couple steps further and there she laid…a great doe with a perfect heart shot from 50 yards. Michael and I hugged, cried and celebrated. Finally, his first deer. It was a great feeling for both of us pulling his deer out of the woods.
Michael continues with his personal fight against his cancer. We are there cheering him on and know that God is in control. He hears our prayers, knows our hearts and desires our worship in good and bad times. Please continue to pray for his recovery and God’s will for him. Thank you Lord for hope, determination and opportunity.
RGO Rusty Asble
May 17, 2009
First Time for Everything

We arrived late and got settled in. By 4:30 the next morning we were up and pulling on waders before loading guns, ammo, and other gear into Ken’s Suburban that would take us to the dock where our guide, David, would take us to our blinds.

I felt surprisingly well as we stopped at the first blind. It was still dark, but as I stepped out of the box I saw that our guide already had the decoys out around our blind. We climbed into our blind and loaded up with the anticipation of some action. As light started to appear a lonely sea duck

After lunch we went to the “back bay” and were set up in a shore blind looking out toward the northeast with the sun setting in brilliant fashion behind us. Once again, we failed to experience the rush of a shooting spree despite witnessing the painfully slow advance on our position of a

What a letdown. We did manage to bag a few birds before sundown, but I could tell from the hunter’s faces that it wasn’t looked upon as a good day with only five or six birds between four hunters. Just as we were leaving, though, six or seven ducks came within touching distance and landed in the water as if they knew when the shooting curfew was The next day was far more rewarding as we shot our limit before 11:00 am. It was a joy to see grown men smiling like they did when they were little kids. It seems we’ve forgotten how these days.
Chris Barrett
Apr 2, 2009
Fly Boy

Okay, back to college I went to Bass Pro Shops before I headed off to college and bought a White River fly rod. I soon learned the fun and excitement of fly fishing.
The first time I decided to go, on my own, was in the fall. I went to the local fly shop the afternoon before and asked the owner what flies I should buy. The woolly bugger was the ticket. The next morning I went to the river and put in at the wildlife access for delayed harvest on the East fork of the Pigeon River and walked to the river. I had tied on the woolly bugger. I cast and began to strip the line back to me I felt a heavy thump I stripped again, and the fight was on a nice 10 inch rainbow trout. Well I had been ordered to take by camera by my parents so I took his picture and released him with a Thank You Lord!

When I went off to college I got involved in a Church home. Today it is rare that college freshmen will join a church away from home. The Bible talks about training a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. That remains true in my life. My parents took me to Church when I was young, my grandfather taught me how to throw a fly line and I'm still doing it today. The pros say this all the time, so today you’re gonna hear it from a rookie “take a kid hunting or fishing with you when you go, pass it on.

Addison Chandler
Mar 3, 2009
South Dakota Supplication: A Pheasant & A Prayer

My senses were firing on all cylinders. My ears could hear the quiet rustling of switch grass with a prairie its sweet melody as it blew and swirled in the wind from all around. I heard the distinct cackle of a pheasant cock launch from behind the gnarled cedar, seasoned by seventy years of nature's elements.
With each breath of God I could hear the dropping of stalk ripened milo to the ground, a very distinct sound, one that I have never heard before be in South Dakota and have the physical ability to enjoy…
I shuffled my feet and heard the crunch of the last remaining snow as it was ever so quietly disappearing from the earth. I anticipated because I have never hunted in snow before.

I wanted to open my eyes so bad to give attention to the deep flutter of the pheasant hens that had heard us as we entered and were making their nervous retreat as we prayed
....protect us today and may Your favor be upon us as we become stewards of Your land...
I was about to bust with excitement with the possibility of what was to come in the morning hunt. As the sun began to rise in the east, I could feel its warmth on the back on my neck. It was the feeling and smell I had always dreamed of when I was a child when I read my neighbors hand-me-down Field and Streams. The dogs at our feet were waiting for the command to hunt. My Condor 12 gauge over-under broken across my arm…My empty blaze orange game pouch waiting to be filled…My briar chaps ready to be slapped…My shot shell pouch full of Fiocchi #5’s ready to be transferred to the empty side. Jesus' Name, Amen."
As I opened my eyes, it was a dream to behold of broken down cornstalks, blue skies, and the beginning of this adventure that would bring a dream to reality. Then the most favored cry in a pheasant field was hollered out… “Rooster!” Truly, thank you God
RGO Rusty Asble
Feb 9, 2009
Montana Song Dog

Marty Tobey
Jan 8, 2009
Oh Osceola! A Floridian Turkey Tale

A brush slapped me in the face as I simultaneously made yet another misguided step into a pothole whose depth proved to be just over the top of my knee-high snake boots. Meanwhile hordes of mosquitoes were making mince meat of any exposed flesh seemingly ignoring the deet I'd doused myself liberally with. Wild hog sign was everywhere, humidity was one-hundred and fifty percent and the temperature was hovering just over eighty degrees. These were not exactly ideal hunting conditions and this was not exactly the Disneyesque image I had of Florida.
Upon reaching our desired predawn location we began using locator calls, primarily owl hoots. The swamp remains has quiet as a funeral parlor regardless of our calling. Rusty informed me that the gobbling had been fierce for the last week but yesterday's heavy downpours had put a severe damper on the amorous intentions of every turkey in town. Apparently there were no longer turkeys in Florida, their departure directly corresponding with my arrival in the Sunshine State.
Ten o'clock found us walking logging trails in shin-high water, looking for turkey sign and wishing we'd brought along some snacks and bottled water.
As we rounded a bend in the road we spotted a flock of hens feeding several hundred yards away with a boss tom strutting his stuff for all the world to see. As stealthily as possible, we eased back around the bend, placed a couple decoys in the middle of the road, concealed ourselves in the brush and began softly calling the trophy bird. Nothing doing. Although we roused his curiosity quite a bit, there was no way that wise old fella was going to leave his lovely ladies no matter how beautiful the serenade. Desperate times call for desperate measures so we devised a quick plan. Rus would enter the woods, sneak a hundred yards or so past the flock and bust out onto the road bed hopefully spooking the birds back toward me and my camo-clad twelve gauge.
Many anxious minutes passed and I was just about to give up on our little scheme when I heard several excited cuts and saw two hens coming around the curve. Following the first two were two more, then another, then another and another until the road was covered with osceolas. Finally the tom showed himself. A series of high pitched clucks on my diaphragm call stopped him in his tracks and he began strutting and drumming fifteen yards in front of my barrel. He never knew what hit him when a shell-full of number 4's changed him from drummer into dinner.
As I held my first Osceola in my hands, admiring his beautiful, iridescent colors shimmering in the sunlight Rusty walked up and sent up a whooping yell. With a grin covering his whole face he looked at me and asked, "Was it worth it, with the mosquitoes and the mud and the briars and all that?" As I thanked God for my trophy all I could say was, "What mosquitoes?" Isn't it funny how fast a sportsman's perspective can change?
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